Wiki » History » Revision 2
Revision 1 (Komorek, Kamil, 01.11.2016 23:55) → Revision 2/3 (Komorek, Kamil, 27.11.2016 09:08)
h1. dex_imgur - Mass random image downloader! Little app which downloads random images from service. It generates 5-6 char imgur image identifier code and tries to download image from it. !! *Features:* * Allows to specify 1-100 concurrent downloaders * Images Height/Width filter * Fast preview * Allows to specify target directory * AutoUpdater Language: Polish (but it's easy in use :) ) Quick tutorial: "Szersze" - width, "Większe" - height, "Zastosuj filtr.." - apply filter. Have fun! h2. Requirements * It's written in C# .NET 3.5, may require latest M$ Windows updates and redistributed packages * It requires internet connection h2. Download Current Version: 0.65 Latest: h2. More to read: * * h2. Changelog 2015-05-09 / v0.65 * + Support for 5-7 img id generator and fixed linking * * Project homepage link update * * Bugfixes 2012-06-24 / v0.63 * * Fixed GIF saving * * App icon facelift * * Updater service update * ! MS VS 2010 Build 2012-02-05 / v0.62 * + Trayicon * + Allows to change destination directory 2012-02-02 / v0.60 * * Better updater * * Bugfixes and cleanup 2012-01-17 / v0.55 * + First initial updater * * Better preview * * Bugfixes 2012-01-16 / v0.5 * * Recognition of downloaded image extension 2012-01-16 / v0.4 * + Filtering by dimensions * * Bugfixes 2012-01-16 / v0.3 * First public version tbc